Tom & Jos Hollway
Wed 20 May 2009 12:39
weather set fair for a few days, leaving for USA today, target is Baltimore on Tuesday, but Hampton VA or Beaufort NC are alternatives if speed is low. Tom
Crew apprehensive after yesterdays thunder given the clouds and rainbow now evident on the horizon
however yesterday's gloomy overcast start of cloud and rain gave way to sunshine and quiet winds which made the beach an attractive place to sit even if sharks just ten feet offshore added to the excitement of wimming --Tony
A lovely few days in Highborne. Much fun watching the feeding of the sharks and a few jaws moments when we were swimming and we saw fins approaching. Actually they are nurse sharks and , so we are told , harmless. We have also had some excellent fresh Mahe Mahe donated to us by the generous American owner of a super yacht who had just been fishing and took pity on the scrawny Brits who seemed to need a feed. And yesterday was topped off by news of resignation of the Speaker. Looking forward now to moving in to new parts of the ocean-- love to all , James.