13th May
John Bowering
Thu 14 May 2009 01:51
After 7 hours a halt was called, and off to the Cat Club Bar for a well earned rest and some time to catch up on emails etc. This was followed by another meal from Crazy Kuki - egg mayo sandwichs, with Charles's being at least half the length of Osprey (Seriously, it was that big). Both Charles & John have been heard to remark that "they have never had food like this on a yacht before, and aren't we meant to be losing weight on this trip". Then the men decided that enough work had been completed to allow a small siesta, whilst Kuki went off shopping.
Later in the afternoon John got the watermaker up and running, and Charles was used as the guinea pig to check the final product - suffice to say he is still alive. Then it was onto playing with the whisker pole for the cruising chute - another new addition to Osprey. After a bit of head scratching, and reading by John, the men decided it was fairly straight forward and that the design did indeed facilitate easy deployment. It is now lashed in place along the port side, ready to be rigged once we hit the horse latitudes.
The final mission of the day was to try to sort out the boat laptop, which seemed to be playing up and not sending/receiving emails. A combined effort by John, Charles and his Macbook, with Kuki providing moral support in the form of entertainment, did seem to sort some the problems but the speed of connection here is proving troublesome. Then it was back to the boat for supper, another CK creation - frankfurters, onions and potatoes fried up with veggies - a huge plateful as the calorific intake was looking a little low for today.
The final installment of todays blog concerns the real commander of this motley crew, he was introduced yesterday and goes by the nom de guerre of "SuperCharged Ted" Whilst "John of the Chuddies" is on paper the skipper, SC Ted is the actual master - still overseeing everything from his now protected vantage point on the companionway. He is reasonably happy with the work completed by the said motley crew of John, Crazy Kuki and Charles whose contibution is the brawn.