The neighborhood here has gone to hell! It is the
game fishing week and a large number of big game fishing boats have appeared
from all over the Caribbean – boy are
they noisy. Huge engines – I just saw one with 1000hp of outboards on the
stern of about a 40ft boat. God only knows what the fuel bill is like. Seems
like a non stop party again this weekend; this time at the Cat Club where we
are parked. As I am writing this a couple of steel bands and a disc jockey are
competing – the disc jockey with completely blown speakers but
nevertheless at maximum volume!
Osprey is now ready to go and Charles arrives
tomorrow afternoon. We will go through the boat so he has all the safety features
locked in then join the party. Hopefully we will be able to get a good supply
of Tuna from the catch tomorrow and be able to stock to freezer before we
leave. The freezer seems to be behaving itself at present and Philip Moore is
coming down tomorrow just to top off the gas. We now know where the leak is and
it has been there since the system was manufactured. It will have to survive
until we get to Florida
which is anyway where the manufacturer resides. Weather forecast looks
reasonable and once we leave Jolly harbour we should be able to play with the
sail plan in anticipation of a few changes being made over the summer whilst we
are in Fort Lauderdale.
On the mechanical side the only outstanding is to test the AP hydraulics on the
way the Jolly Harbour. We can bleed them there if it
proves necessary. With a bit of help from my friends we have conducted an anti
rattle campaign on the boat and everything that squeaks rattles or rolls has
been attacked. As Neville said that will last about 20 minutes at sea but it’s
nice to have them all pinned down.