22 05N 72 22W

John Bowering
Mon 10 Nov 2008 13:09
0645 November 9th and we are about three hours out of Provo and Turtle Cove
Marina. We successfully passed ahead of hurricane/typhoon Lapaloma which is currently just passing over Cuba. We were aided by the storm slowing and declining somewhat and developing a westward and northerly recurve. Adrenalin levels are back to near normal now though fuel is much depleted by our fast motor sailing across the storms track. We will refuel at Turtle cove though we may have to wait a little for the tide. We are right on the maximum draft and last time we went in on the way north we had to put the wheels down as we passed over the sand bar. Ok as its soft and if you have enough forward velocity at the time to make it on the first bounce! We plan to spend a clear day there so that Jonathan and Finn can get a look around and then leave as early as we can on Tuesday morning. The boat is performing well and we have no major issues for the present (tempting fate I guess). We will change up to the 135% Genoa whilst in Provo and do some minor servicing for the 480 mile passage to the BVI. Unfortunately Lapaloma has forced us to come inside our original track. We had planned to head out east into the Atlantic before turning south for the BVI. This, however would have put us on a collision course with the storm. As a result we look like having another passage to windward which is not the most comfortable. Difficult to tell though at this time of the year as the wind are unpredictable and obviously being pushed out of their normal pattern by Lapaloma - we can but suck it and see.Finn and Jonathan are fine though Finn seems to have caught his fathers sleeping sickness. Jonathan has taken on all the cooking which is great - especially in the quality and quantity. Finn noticeably goes into overdrive as soon as he has been fed and can be seen to spool down he further he gets from the last meal!