Feb 20 2013 17 04.563N 061 53.789W

Ron Stubbington
Wed 20 Feb 2013 23:52
We arrived in Antigua on Feb 2 2013 to begin
getting Erasmos ready for launching back into the water. The hull was
washed with acid and then prepped for painting.. I hired "yankee" to wash
and wax both the hull above the water line and the top side deck. He did a
great job and the boat looks like brand new. I painted the hull and the
keel below the water line. Rigging was checked and haylards and lines
restrung. Engine started on first try. All is well. We were
lifted at 11:30 am on Friday Feb 8 and I did a quick touch up of paint where the
stands were and we were splashed into the water at 1:30 pm. Motored over
to the docks of Jolly Harbour Marina and tied up. We stayed at the docks
until Feb 15 and then headed out to anchor. I took a friend of
my sisters, John Purnell sailiing on Monday and it was a great day to check
everthing out. Wind was blowing 20 plus knots and gusting to
25knots. Tomorrow we leave Antigua and head to Nevis.