Andy: Day 9 Cape Verdes Safe Arrival

Ron Stubbington
Mon 30 Nov 2009 13:42
16:53.1N 24:59.1W From Marina Mindelo, Cabo Verde on the island of Sao
Vincente. Monday morning, 11:30. Bright and sunny, quite windy,
interesting place. Much more on that later. We pulled into the harbour at 7:00 am this morning, drove in
a circle for several hours until Customs opened, got landed and tied up at the
Marina. The mechanics have inspected the rudder and estimated 3 to 4 days
to repair. Crew is tired but very happy to be ashore and a little down
time will be very, very much appreciated. We will all re-evaluate what
happens next and keep you posted here. Off to the hotel, a shower and bed (a real bed). Andy and Myles, Monday afternoon at 12:42 pm. |