Andy: Day 7 - fresh fish for lunch!

19:42.00N 22:43.0W Yesterday (Friday) was Ron’s birthday so we celebrated
by having a chocolate birthday cake Brian had managed to find and buy when
provisioning. It was really very good, although I think someone forget to
buy the ice cream to go with it. Anyhow, we again had a very easy, light
air day. Got the genaker up and flying for about 8 hours and we made
around 4 knots of boat speed in 8 to 10 knots of wind. Very respectable
for the course line we are taking to the Verdes. We do not have enough
engine range (diesel) to motor there so we sail in any and all conditions, as
good sailors should. At one point Kevin got a fish on the line behind the
boat (Ron just told me he mentioned that in his blog), suffice to say
lot’s of excitement all around but it got off the line at the last moment
as we were bringing it on board. Kevin quite rightly said you should always throw the first
one back, it keeps the fish gods happy J
And it’s true. This morning we got two more on the lines at
the same time and landed them successfully. Here’s the bigger of
the two: Gotta go, Kevin’s filleting and frying .. ummmm Andy – Saturday at 10:00 am |