Ron Dec 13 15:12.041N 048:07.803W
Ron Stubbington
Sun 13 Dec 2009 23:12
It has been three days since we have put anything
on our blog. Things happen slowly out here, there is sometimes not a
lot of change from one day to the next. However, I will bring you up to
date. We had realized that our sailing course was slowly taking us more
northward than we wanted, so it was time to put a correction in, we gybed anf
spent the next two days heading south west. This did not bring us a lot
closer to our destination but it brought us down to a more direct route.
We will now do shorter legs before we correct each time. There are not a
lot of other ships or yachts out here but in the last two day we have seen three
yachts, two of them at night and both on Brians watch. One of them passed
a long ways in front of us but the second one, seemed oblivious to us even
though we had the right of way, in the end we had to turn and go around their
stern and we still don't think they ever even saw us. The third yacht we
saw was this morning and it paralled us for a bit before we each went
on opposite gybes. The weather has been perfect, just shorts during
the day and shorts and t-shirt at night. When the wind died down today we
took the sails in, stripped down and each of us had a good shower and wash on
the stern deck, it was so refreshing and both for the body and the soul.
We are off again and hoping to pick up some wind tonight and make some good
progresss. As most of you know, we fish every day, most of the time
with two lines out the back. We had been quite lucky with our red lure but
alas the fish have taken all that we had and now we have not caught anything for
5 days.
Erasmos 1 crew