38 32.01N 026 21.62E Eğri Limanı
Wed 2 May 2012 14:41
Progress so far. No internet yesterday so this is our progress for the 1st/2nd May. We spent last night in Kormen Adasi, at anchor - not a very good place really as we swung around all night as the wind dropped/got-up again, or the waves came in round the corner. We are now sitting in a very nice anchorage at Eğri Limanı - but unfortunately have run aground and it is blowing Force 4 from the North. Luckily the wind is supposed to go around to the South - but maybe not until Friday, so, if we don't get off tonight when the wind has dropped, we may be here a couple of days. The wind has been from the North/North West since we left so we are motoring/motor-sailing every day; it is getting very tiring bashing into waves and Force4/5 winds. |