Friday 7th August. Well, I have been again to the dentist in town.
He will see me again on Tuesday and finish the crown - cost 450 YTL
which is about £185. We also tried to find the big Friday market in
town but were given directions to the wrong place as, although quite a
few people speak what appears to be good English, when you ask for the
fruit and vegetable market you get directed to the biggest supermarket
in Alanya. Now we have researched it in the "Rough Guide to Turkey"
and "Google Earth" we are pretty confidant we now know where it is so,
will try next Friday. It is far to hot to walk around the town at the
moment so we look forward to excursions during the cooler winter.
Peter has fixed up a washing line down both sides of the boat
underneath the awning, from the cockpit to the mast and back -
beginning to look really pikey now - we just need to cover the quay in
assorted debris for the full effect! This is what we looked like
before we left Cyprus - not much has changed apart from the wine
stocks decreasing.