Today, 21st March was Pauline's ** birthday. It was celebrated in brilliant sunshine with a 15-over international cricket match, hosted by Alanya Marina, between England and South Africa. Pauline was selected to play for South Africa (don't ask - we think she is now regarded as an honorary colonial through Peter's maternal grandfather once having been a lumberjack in British Colombia!!!). SA reached a total of 43 All Out before tea - cucumber/salmon sandwiches and birthday cake (we walked 3 miles to the supermarket this morning to get 2 cakes, in case one was not enough). England's performance was pitiful and SA won the match with 2 wickets in hand. Pauline managed to score 8 runs, including one "6" (ball hit across the boundary and into the water without touching the ground). Once back on board, the match win was celebrated with a much needed gin-and-tonic.