Alanya Marina Thanksgiving Dinner - Marina Restaurant - 25th November 2010
Sun 5 Dec 2010 09:08
Not many Thanksgiving Dinners around the world this year would have had a Belly Dancer Display as part of the entertainment - but when in Turkey . . . . Some 50 Alanya Marina live-aboards, from 7 nations, gathered at the restaurant across the road from the marina for an excellent 3-course meal comprising Turkish Meze starters, a roast turkey main course, and an apple and cinnamon tart with ice cream as dessert - for a very reasonable £ 10.50 per head. Mary Lou off the yacht Marbella gave a short dissertation on the origins of the Thanksgiving celebration and how the Wampanoag Native Americans helped the Pilgrims to hunt, trap and fish in their new found homeland. Entertainment was provided by the newly formed Marina Musical Group, and the afore-mentioned Belly Dancer who managed to persuade at least 2 gentlemen to remove their shirts and accompany her on the dance floor. Our heartfelt thanks go to David and Lowie off "Salty Dawg" (no prizes for guessing their nationality), and Anita off "Giovanita" who provided the multilingual translation service with the restaurant manager and owner. |