We have just seen the latest report on the ARC from Yachting World

Wed 11 Dec 2013 21:12
As we sit here in torrential rain and 40 knot winds it has been a time for ‘special’ dinners and surfing the net.
My homemade antenna booster is fantastic!
See the latest report from Yachting World regarding the ARC here.
The ARC left at the same we had planned to leave before we saw the forecast weather.
“  ....What happened, See this link, a new record set for the ARC time  ..”
It seems, it has been a weird trip for the 260+ boats crossing with the ARC flotilla.
From record breaking trips, to the slowest ever trips - to the widest span ever.
Choose between a fast roller coaster wet and cold northerly ride for experienced racers or a warm balmy sloooow boat to Caribb    ...for normal folks!