Ken Gillstrom and Voyageur Sailing - AND THIS!

Fri 30 Dec 2022 00:00
Les and I achieved most of our Canadian Yachting Association certifications with Ken Gillstrom and Humber Sailing School in Toronto. (Through to Advanced Skipper certification)
For years and years Ken gave his voluntary time and expertise to club members of the Humber Sailing Club – we learnt a ton from him and can’t thank him enough.
Ken now offers sailing courses on his own sailboat under name of ‘Voyageur Sailing’ and gives various sailing seminars at the Toronto Boat Show.
Ken is a great teacher and offers most of the CYA certifications along with ‘Adventure Sails’.
If you are looking for Canadian sailing certification we highly recommend his instruction – and you’ll have a ton of fun too!
I just can’t forgive him for the ‘tennis elbow’ I came back from the last trip we made – winding those damb winches!!!!