Anchored at Isabela 00:57.95S 90:57.70W

Stewart & Joanne
Thu 26 Feb 2015 17:23
This archipelago, cut by the equator, sports craggy mounds and rocky
shallows – one could easily think you are at the end of the Earth. Wildlife
incredibly abundant. Robert reeled in a mahi mahi and while fileting it on the
aft deck a large hammerhead shark slid right up to the boat, very dramatic!
Robert sent the carcass into the sea and the shark consumed it in one bite. As
soon as we can get an internet signal we will post photos.
The anchorage here at Isabel is quaint, there are several ARC boats here
that will be leaving in the next few days. We have yet to go ashore as we are
waiting for the endless groups of officials who will board us, go through the
lockers, food stores, bilges, cabins and check the hull. We have paid $1,500.00
just to check into the country. There are no banks here, so if you do not arrive
with cash its off you go. We are very restricted in where we may go in the
dinghy and any explorations of land.
As we set anchor last night a seal jumped aboard and sat on the scoops for
a spell. Penguins, pelicans, manta rays, all kinds of fish surround us in this
serene anchorage. Luckily, since it may take up to two days to clear in with all
the officials.
All is well, Cheers from
Breeze |