03:11.16N 81:02.53W

Stewart & Joanne
Fri 20 Feb 2015 16:17
It has been a lovely sea state and sunny days. Yesterday an upwelling
current brought short white caps to the surface, perhaps the Humbolt current. We
landed the largest fish in all our experiences, a stunning juvenile marlin, 2
metres in length (6 feet). Robert reeled him in with much effort. We
photographed the catch and released it back to the sea.
Nightfall brought a gorgeous sky of stars, the big dipper seemed close
enough to grab the handle. The southern cross brilliant. Bioluminescence was
stirred by large fish and dolphin, creating comet like streamers in the pitch
black sea.
Kirsten made coconut crunchies that were divine, Robert’s chilli con carne
a big hit, and Stewart’s chicken curry last night was yummy. We are all enjoying
cooking. Tonight Jo will make a Mexican lasagne.
We averaged 4 knots overnight, winds are still quite light. We are 643 nm
from our destination.
All is well, Cheers from Breeze |