Prepairing to leave French Polynesia.

Sun 9 Jun 2013 23:38
Position 17:34.97S 149:37.12W Anchored near Marina Taina,
It has ben some time since the last post. Sea Monkey has been safely anchored in Marina Taina in Tahiti. Connolly has arrived and joined the crew, while Sheila has been staying in luxury on the mainland taking in the sights. We have spent many days in ‘downtown’ Papeete, exploring the city and getting final errands done before we set sail (most likely on Monday). While anchored, we are constantly seeing out-rigger canoes racing by. –
They seem to take it very serious here!
The four of us (Phil, Tyler, Connolly and Sheila) saw a traditional
Tahitian dance and drum show the other night in town and thoroughly enjoyed it.
Phil was able to sell his spare dive tank to a Swedish couple we met on the bus
for $30 and a bottle of rum (what a deal eh!!). We have started getting
about 40 days worth of previsions and we are not sure when we will get another
chance to stock up before we get to Samoa.
Our plan is to set sail on Monday and spend a few nights in Mo’orea then
spend our final nights in French Polynesia in Huahine, before our 600 mile
passage to the Cook Islands. We have been eating a lot of ‘poisson cru’ (a
French Polynesian raw tuna dish, which we plan on eating lots of during our
passages, as we plan on catching lots of fresh tuna).
We will continue to post updates as we continue through the south Pacific.
Thanks so much for following and please feel free to share this blog with anyone
who you think may find it interesting.
Connolly |