Minerva to NZ day 2

Tue 12 Nov 2013 03:12
Position: 25:35.16S 179:19.40E All is well on Sea Monkey and she is sailing great as always. We had some lighter winds yesterday and they have recently increased to about 15 knots from the SE. We are sailing on a close reach doing almost 6 knots heading approximately SSW into some waves but the swell and waves have not built up too much just yet. Connolly was trying to figure out why he kept finding pebbles appearing in the bottom of the cockpit when we are out in the middle of the ocean. It was actually little pieces of pumice that were washing in up through the cockpit drains as we heeled over! There have been lots of small patches of volcanic pumice stone floating around at times since we left Tonga, some bigger than your fist but most of them just little pebbles, and they have been out floating long enough that they have stuff growing on them. It looks just like bits of seaweed floating on the surface. I am expecting the wind and seas to increase slightly the next couple of days and we will keep sailing as quick as we can and as far south as we can head without fighting the waves too much. Will send another update soon. Phil |