
Wed 30 Oct 2013 12:36
Position 18:42.05S 174:07.56W Hunga lagoon,
Vava’u, Tonga Wednesday 30th October It seems there is a never ending amount of new islands and anchorages to visit here in Tonga! We are now anchored in the lagoon of Hunga island next to our friends on the boat Cashtoki. After our usual pit stop in town we headed back out to the islands this Monday. The winds were not too strong so we put the spinnaker up and had a great sail down the west side of Vava’u. We took the sails down just before we entered the very narrow gap between the rocks which was the only way we could get into the big lagoon of Hunga. The lagoon reminded me a little of Harrington Sound in Bermuda. It was flat calm in there and really quiet. We met up with Cashtoki and both headed out in our dinghies through a shallow gap into the adjacent Blue Lagoon for some snorkeling. We found some really colourful interesting coral and lots of little fish, big puffer fish and even a massive tuna that came in hunting for smaller fish to eat. That evening we had dinner and drinks on Cashtoki and then the younger ones (Hannah, Connolly and I) stayed up to have another beach bonfire on the small beach only 200ft from where we anchored. Now it is the end of October it is time for us to seriously start looking for a weather window for the big sail south to New Zealand. Next move will be back to town to do some work preparing the boat, researching weather info, filling in forms for NZ etc. Phil |