NZ passage day 1

Tue 5 Nov 2013 01:06
Position: 20:07.96S 175:43.98W 14:00 Tuesday 5th November All is well on the Sea Monkey. The weather has been warm with light winds. After some tricky weather in near the islands I decided we were out in a steady enough light breeze to put up the big symmetrical racing spinnaker. We have had that spinnaker up for 24 hours non-stop now and Sea Monkey is doing great reaching along at up to 6 knots and more much of the time despite the light winds. The swells are only small so it is smooth sailing and easy to get things done onboard like typing updates for the blog! On my watch this morning we were just passing the volcanic islands of cone shaped Kao and flat topped Tofua as the sun rose. It made for a great sight. Earlier in the night you could see the occasional faint orange light coming up from around the crater of Tofua and then as we sailed past down wind of it we passed through some smoke from it. Phil |