
Miss Bossy
Fabi & Scott
Mon 21 Sep 2009 12:49

38:49.852N 20:42.566E

As baterias extras que encomendamos chegaram hoje, entao voltamos pra marina em Lefkas pela manha pra fazer a instalacao. Iamos ter de voltar hoje de qualquer maneira porque a bomba de succao do gerador deu problema (sugou um jelly fish e quebrou o impeller) consequentemente nao podemos usar o dessalinizador pra fazer agua e a agua acabou. Ate tentamos consertar ontem, trocamos o impeller mas nao deu jeito. Enfim, estamos na marina em Lefkas e tudo dando certo devemos sair daqui na quinta feira dia 24. Mas ta tudo muito bom, o tempo ta otimo, o sol ta lindo, a cerveja ta gelada e a gente usa a piscina do hotel:-) Por enquanto e isso ai.



The extra batteries we bought have arrived today so we came back to the marina in Lefkas to have it installed. We were going to come back here anyways because the generator pump crashed ( might have sucked a jelly fish and broke the impeller) so we can’t use the water maker and we’re out of water. We tried and fix it yesterday, replaced the impeller but it didn’t work. Anyway, we’re at the marina now and if all goes well we should be leaving on Thursday the 24th. But we’re not complaining, the weather is great, the sun is shining, the beer is cold and we can use the hotel pool:-) That’s it for now.