Jo & Trevor Bush
Sun 11 Mar 2012 22:41
09:25S 122:11W
Position as at 22.00GMT 11/3
Our new water towed generator has proven to be a
great piece of kit.........that is until today.
The deal is, you have to keep the boat speed under
8.5-9.0Kts or the turbine flys out of the water like a marlin doing acrobatics
on its tail. And so you have to substitute high speed for high power. Thats ok
cos it has produced loads of juice (16Amps @ 8Knts)......coping with all our
electrical requirements including Jo watching the box all afternoon while off
watch. Besides, we are cruising and not racing, so comfort comes
But when I say max speed 8.5Knts this equates to a
average speed of about 7-7.5Knts to cope with bursts of speed down waves
etc....... Therein lies our problem,... we didnt
account for the squall that just came through. The wind speed
increased to over 30Kts and before we could reef sufficiently, our boat speed
was over 12kts and increasing.....oops. The water turbine was doing its nut
bouncing on the top of the ocean surface. We got the boat slowed
down eventually and retrieved the turbine only to find the half inch
stainless steel bar with the weights and prop on the end, was bent like a
banana. So thats that buggered then, well at least until we get to Tahiti
to straighten it out. But it does give you some idea of the forces
involved.......I would've, never thought it possible but hey ho, I've been wrong
So no TV for Jo now,....... well maybe just've got to keep the crew happy.