Only 200 more miles to go
Jo & Trevor Bush
Mon 6 Feb 2012 18:47
1:11N 86:27W
Position at 16.30 GMT 06/02/12
Only 200 more miles to go the Galapagos but another
100 miles or so ontop to get to Puerto Villamil, Isla Isabella where
we will be staying for the whole 3 weeks.
The weather god has abandoned us again and we
have a very light winds right on the beak. We could sail it and
tack the rest of the way but we aren't a stripped out racer just a fat over
weight cruiser and besides, we cant be arsed.......So the motor is on and we are
burning some of the fossil fuel we have been carying around with us for so
long.....lets hope we have enough.
Happy Birthday to Ben (aged 10). Hey Ben, all the
best people have their birthdays in February......your Grandad & me
included. Have a nice day.