Still in Bonaire

Jo & Trevor Bush
Fri 20 Feb 2009 13:44
Yes, we are still in Bonaire......and the following is the reason why;
The ever watchful Barracuda                                                                   The ever friendly Snake eel
The bashful French Angel fish                                                                and the exotic Midnight Parrot
Typical coral garden                                                                              bold and colourful
A squadron of Squid getting into formation                                                                 and my favourite, the Porcupine Puffer fish
Jo's favourite, a great find, the Frog Fish                                    and spot the Frog Fish
the Spotted Cleaner Shrimp                                                              and a rusty coloured Seahorse
Trumpet fish and pals                                                                           and the strange 'bee bo' Garden Eeels
Buddy Divers                                                                                         and the famous 'Miss Marples' in action on the right
'Miss Marples', I hear you say....who the hell is Miss Marples?
Well, that is the very apt knick-name given to Jo.......the underwater investigator. She looks in every crevis and under every rock....she leaves no stone unturned, (so to speak), in search for the elusive sea creature. She has found them all and we just follow her about blowing bubbles and wonder at her discoveries. Even the locals ask for directions to closest sea horses or any other rare creature. She has taken to this diving lark like a duck to water and the only thing keeping her out of the oggin is the occasional respite for food, booze and her daily fix of tele.
Its not going to be an easy decision to move from this fabulous island. We love it here and not just because of the diving. It is very safe, even to walk about late at night, (a rarity in the Caribbean), and there is plenty to do without being too touristy and in your face. You can get virtually anything here and the only disadvantage is that it is hitting our wallet pretty hard but its worth it. We would certainly recommend anyone wishing to learn to dive to consider coming here first. It is both easy and spectacular......a great combination for new divers.
So, a big thumbs up for Bonaire.........lets hope the the rest of the ABC Islands prove as good.