Crew Arrives Las Palmas

Jo & Trevor Bush
Sun 17 Dec 2006 18:43
Our crew arrives bright & shiney and full of enthusiasm - the first bought of sea sickness will surely put an end to that.
But it was great to see Marco and Shaun again. Shaun arrived with cheddar cheese, Branston Pickle and a wet sleave. Cara, Shauns wife, shed more than a few tears at the airport and used his sleave when her hanky was full. We weren't sure whether she was upset or they were tears of joy. We found out which when we she warned us of the dire consequences if we didnt return her little soldier safely to Barbados and in full working order.
Marco on the other hand came armed with 2 packs of Italian coffee, many pasta recipes and also left behind broken hearts - well he is Italian after all.
The weather has been alittle unsettled lately and everyone here in Las Palmas planning to cross to the Carribbean has had one eye closely on the weather. The forecast shows a weather window for Tuesday 19th and we plan to leave then. It is not ideal with only light winds so we anticipate some motoring until the wind fills in from the NE on Thurs/Fri. This is not such a bad thing as it allows us all to settle into to an onboard routine while the conditions are slight.
Provisioning a boat for 4 on the other hand has proven a bit of a mare. Buying it is one thing finding somewhere to put is another. Malarkey has sunk another couple of inches in the water.
So we are pretty much ready and looking forward to it. Watch this space and see how it all works out.