50:01.6N 005:03.0W

Sula Sula III
Thu 20 Jul 2023 15:52
22.00hrs. 19/07. So trying to grab sleep where I can, but the fishing boats here are all "cloaked" and they don't use their AIS transmit. A couple of times I have woken up and one has been visible within a couple of miles but doesn't show on the plotter. A bit more traffic.... We crossed in front of a 32' sailing boat; their course looks like they came from Ireland and making for Ouessant and as I write a tanker will cross in front of us in 40 mins. Hopefully then I can grab another hour or so? 50 miles or so to the Scilly Isles and at this speed tides won't be ideal but I'm not complaining, today has been a beautiful day's sailing. The North Atlantic continues to share her benign side with me, how lucky am I? Tonight's sunset.....as good as any Caribbean one!!
06.00hrs. 20/07. Plenty of shipping to keep me alert, sadly only 5-7 knots of wind. With Spring tides running at 2 knots at the Lizard, I have decided to cheat and put the engine on. I know.... "Call yourself a sailor?" I can hear it....but pretty knackered, and not too keen on arriving in the small hours, I will at least get round the Lizard before sailing again.
Oh, and having put all the tide times in for UT, this device has decided to go to BST. So all very confusing.... Ship was running on standard Atlantic, log, blog and charts on UT, and now I'm expected to think in local time too?
15:30hrs. As I write this I am on pot watch.... They are everywhere, wouldn't want to do the last bit at night in a blow, you would struggle to see them. As it is, I have had to motor in the last bit, the wind got up a bit as I rounded the lizard, but right on the nose.I am just passing the Manicles, so should be in St Mawes in time for a pint. Pretty knackered to be honest but a pint won't hurt.

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