Well who would have thought getting stuff here could be so difficult! Charlie had very kindly arranged shipping of the bass amp and a Yeti cool box (ice needed!!) I think The Solent to Grenada was £68 and it was another £70 or so to get it to the container. But here is where the "fun" started.....if you can call 4 visits to the docks fun. We had asked the agent to put it on the Dolly C (a ferry coming to Carriacou every other day: Monday Wednesday Friday) kit had arrived on Wednesday so we assumed it would be on the Friday ferry (first visit) Nope. So called the agent and because of the holiday on Monday was told it would be on Wednesday's ferry. Got there Wednesday afternoon and wandered into the boat (second visit). Found our packages and we were just about to put them in the car when we were stopped and told they had to go to Customs warehouse....come back tomorrow after 08.00 hrs.No worries.... Got back to the port about 11.00 following morning (third visit) and told they were still being unloaded. Starting to get frustrated but asked when they could be collected. "After two o'clock". So back we went (fourth visit) and I was presented with an invoice for 150 for handling, shipping from Grenada and storing in their warehouse!! Ah but problem.... "If it is a vessel in transit I need your ships papers" said the very officious customs officer (photographed apparently illegally so face fudged below) So went back to Sula to collect them..... 5th trip to Port yesterday and able to collect them having paid another $175ec import duty!! Neville and Viv flew this morning, and Josh (one of their sons) and Holly arrived. I will meet them for lunch tomorrow before heading back to Grenada on Monday.