41:39.9N 52:34.0W

Sula Sula III
Tue 27 Jun 2023 08:27
Wow!!! What drama!! Junior had a bit of a meltdown this morning....(slight understatement) It all started as I finished the 5.00am to 8.00am watch.... He said he was exhausted so I suggested we took a day of autopilot knowing that he had two four hour shifts today.... He was still very lethargic and clearly not up to it so I suggested he went and got some sleep. He retired at 10.00 and I had a pleasant sail making good speed in reasonable conditions. I was on 12.00 til 16.00hrs so Junior surfaced about 10 mins before.....I expressed my concern, explaining that whilst his diet clearly suits him at home in Grenada, the fact that he was so low in energy might merit a change.....perhaps some carbs now his body is working so hard to stay warm? Uh Oh...... 💥 It was all my fault anyway, and apart from the shouting, screaming, banging about that lasted about 10 mins I actually felt pretty scared! It wasn't clear if he was going to harm me, the boat, or himself.....anyway the storm passed and I suggested we call in at St John's in Newfoundland for some emergency supplies. Pretty confident Junior will be returning to Grenada from there!
On the up side, Newfoundland offers some of the very best Atlantic salmon fishing in the world....I wonder if there will be anyone in St John's who might know a little river somewhere that might warrant a cast? I called up the coastguard seeking guidance about procedure for entry. They were very friendly, even when I explained I might need guiding in as I have no charts for that neck of the woods.
Not even over the Grand Banks yet and visibility is down to a couple of miles....it is really pretty cold, and the fog soaks everything ensuring that the wind chill factor is amplified. Why would anyone choose to live here?