19:34.2N. 26:8.3W

Sula Sula III
Fri 23 Dec 2022 21:57
showers today so need to put the water maker on. All instruments off this morning as they were lying to us! They told us we were doing 6.5 knots over the ground but because of the struggle to hold a compass crse in a sea when we marked the chart and measured distance in a straight line we have been only making 120 or 130 miles. New regime is instruments off and steer by feel and compass and mark chart once a day. This gives us enough power from the solar panels to run the water maker for 3 or 4 hours..... We can shower whenever we need to!!
I was adjusting the bait distance from the boat this morning ( requiring changing the setting of the bungee shock cord) when some big fish took the bait....my hand was caught in the 200kg nylon which eventually broke. Bit surprised that the leader didn't go first (120kg) or indeed the nylon to the bait (50kg) I was lucky....only minor cuts and burns but second bait lost. Wearing gloves when changing rig now!