42:58.6N 52:22.1W

Sula Sula III
Tue 27 Jun 2023 21:06
Also, it would appear that the Skylink network of satellites do not consider these waters to be worthy of anything more than the occasional connection, sending or receiving data is a laborious process and weather Gribs restart downloading as soon as connection is lost.....grrrr!
The weather has been most generous; we have had between 8 and 11 knots in a little sliver of wind between a couple of holes which has afforded between 4 and 5.5 knots in almost flat seas. Could not have asked for more. Looks like we will have a bit more for the reach into St John's though.
I have charts for every conceivable diversion, and Navionics subscription for every coast except this one.....it really did not occur to me that we would have to come this far North so early. I can almost hear Will saying something about piss poor preparation.....he might have a point?