Still here (again)

Sula Sula III
Sat 11 Feb 2023 18:39
Everybody who drinks beer has either Stag or Carib and they believe they are drinking local beer....ownership of the brewery is now with Diageo who via Guinness, appear to have transferred ownership from one company in it's group to another. 150 people are employed on the site, I guess mainly local, which produces 750k cases that retail locally at $83ec or 5 or 6 a bottle. That equates to between $60m and $100m of retail value produced by 150 people with some collective expertise. (500,000 each) so even if we assume wholesale value is half of the lowest figure that is still over $200k per employee. Whilst Diageo's "Society 2030 Spirit of Progress" their 10 year plan to help create a more inclusive and sustainable world, reads very well, one has to ask why they are hoovering up independent producers all over the world rather than action that would better fit their mission like sending advisors and supplying modern equipment?
So what then stops the existing team from seeking capital assistance from central government and taking back full control? Maybe a tour of the brewery should follow?