50:54.5N 15:58.4W

Sula Sula III
Mon 17 Jul 2023 12:09
13.00hrs 16/07. So really I should be running under twin headsails poled out, but not too keen on the idea of handling the poles on my own in what is left of this swell..... Probably still 2.5 metres. So given that I am cruising, not racing, decided to just go with (nearly) full Genoa not poled out. Still making six knots and most of the models say the wind will be South Westerly by 16.00 hrs. In which case I will be able to get some main out again.
16.00hrs. wind is still not moving much.....just dropping. It's almost Westerly. If it hasn't changed in another couple of hours I might have a go at the poles.
18.00hrs. All good. Wind filled in, I have reset the race (updated the Grib) and made a really good pasta sauce. Might even try and steal a couple of hours sleep, although with the wind all over the place that might have to wait.
Thinking about adjusting to another reality again..... No idea how that will go, I guess I will just have to wait and see?
00.00. 17/07. Grrrr.... Wind all over the place such as it is.... Decided to put the engine on and get some sleep.
06.00 Engine off...making 4 knots to 150° giving me 1.9 vmg towards waypoint off the Lizard....so near and yet so far!!
Apparently the wind will move round from the East back to the North West around midday....that would be good!
10.00hrs. Came across a big pod of dolphins feeding....I knew they were feeding because 20 or so of my birds were accompanying them and joining the party. The dolphins were doing the rounding up splashing but a few of the youngsters obviously thought playing in my bow wave was more fun and came across to say hello. The swell is down to under 2 meters now, but waves from the Easterly wind occasionally mix with the swell from the opposite direction to make for a bumpy ride in little wind.
In the gale the other night I got thrown against the corner of the chart table (thoughtfully beautifully rounded so I couldn't stab myself) but the corner is kidney height and the resultant bruise had me in a lot of discomfort yesterday..... Thankfully the pain is diminishing this morning.
11.30hrs. so according to both models, I should be in 13 knots of wind from the South West..... But am actually in 16 knots of wind from the East!! They have never been this wrong before.... To be honest I am really pleased! (Just not so pleased with the direction) I suppose that if you sail nearly 4000 miles a bit of upwind sailing should be expected....just a pity that it comes as the end is in sight!!
12.00hrs. made better progress than I thought....120 miles (a few engine hours help a lot!) Only 400 miles to the Lizard, as the crow flies.... Sadly haven't seen a crow for a long time! Wind still from the East... But now down to 12 knots....Grib is saying I will arrive early Saturday morning.....that's less than 100 miles a day..... Oh dear!!