11:14.0 N. 56:46.3 W

Sula Sula III
Fri 6 Jan 2023 11:22
Still not quite sure where to make land; really do not want to be picking my way through reefs with low afternoon sun keeping them obscured.....not for the first time anyway! Also we will need a fair bit of fresh water to rinse her inside and out, so having vowed I would never go into a marina again, the Camper Nicholson one at St George's is starting to look attractive. Even if it is just for a few days.
We lost a good fish yesterday morning; I recon we have had enough and so too did the fish apparently. Bit of a quiet news day.... Had a scare with the cooker yesterday morning; the battery ran out on the ignition circuit but at the same time a sneaky wave had spattered some salt water through the galley hatch and given a light shower to the burners....couldn't get the burners to stay alight until a full strip down and dry.
Music night last night with Stan and Pau belting out a few standards on the guitar.