26:57.2 N 64:54.1 W

Sula Sula III
Wed 14 Jun 2023 23:55
Tough day today as we try to pick our way through the interface of the high pressure to the south and the tail of a depression to the north. Fickle winds both in velocity and direction. Still almost flat seas is something of a welcome break and afforded us the space to get some washing done and clean some of the salt deposits off the fittings and winches. I am pleased I serviced the winches before leaving Grenada as they were very salty, but frustrated that I didn't do the mast ones as I knew they had not been reached with seawater; so just to teach me not to cut corners again the Starboard mast winch has stopped working and it would be high risk to try and strip at sea.
The birds have stayed with us, but the game has developed a little further. They now tend to land in front of us either just to Port or Starboard, and wait for us to pass. It is like we have our own feathered guard of honour or an avian pathway.
Distant lightening last night is going to be closer tonight; there are some daunting cumulonimbus decaying on the horizon as the sun sets this evening and earlier we witnessed a double rainbow around the sun...... Something not very photogenic nor seen by me before.

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