Palma 39:33.98N 02:38.05E

Red Skies
David Alexander
Sun 14 Sep 2014 16:31
Sunday 14th September. We moved on to Palma yesterday, in readiness for a quick trip back home for 5 days. It was a wrench to leave the anchorage where the fabulously warm sea invited swimming but, on the other hand, being back in a civilised marina enabled the accumulated clothes washing to be done and, of course, taking showers without wondering whether the water will last. We were directed into a berth that required reversing back through a significant dog-leg and avoiding a yacht with a bowsprit at least 4 metres long. Thank goodness there was hardly any wind while we were doing this. Palma Cathedral as viewed on entry to the port. Palma Cathedral as viewed from a berth in the RCNP marina It is still unusually warm for the time of year, as can be seen from the thermometer in our saloon at a quarter to eight in the evening. We ate ashore last night, outside in a square serenaded by all the usual buskers who frequent these tourist spots. However, it was a pleasant evening, if a bit pricey for what was on offer. Walking back to the boat we passed a whole series of stalls selling tapas from all the various regions of Spain - perhaps we would have done better snacking! Today, we undid a small part of our over-indulgences, by getting the bikes out and riding to Portixol and back, along the very good cycleways that they have here. |