Porto Cristo 39:32.39N 03:20.07E

Red Skies
David Alexander
Sun 31 Aug 2014 12:26
Sunday 31st August. We left the Marina de Menorca at 08:10 yesterday (the office didn’t open until 8:00 am and we had to get our deposit back for the security fobs needed for the portacabin loos and showers) but we didn’t leave Mahon harbour until 09:10 as there is a 3 knot speed limit and we were the furthest you could be from the entrance. Alison taking us out of Mahon The forecasts gave the swell level as 0.5 m or less with a following NE breeze. This was never enough to drive the boat as quickly as we wanted, bearing in mind we had over 50 nM to go, so we motor sailed with the head sail until the breeze failed to keep the sail filled whilst motoring. Again we experienced confused seas with two different wave sets combining to give a quite unpleasant chop and we were relieved to arrive at Porto Cristo 10 hours later and find that there was room for us on the town quay. We booked ourselves in for 2 nights, with the rate being half that paid in Mahon. Sunday morning market at Porto Cristo and Alison deciding whether she was going to buy lunch. Pedro has some strange ideas about what floats |