26th May 2009 - Registering for Rally Portugal - 50:21:89N 04:09:99W

Red Skies
David Alexander
Tue 26 May 2009 17:52
Voyage to Mayflower
The World Cruising Club's Rally Portugal was due to
commence from Mayflower Marina, Plymouth on Sunday 31st May, but participants
were required to register at the marina on Thursday 26th and subject themselves
to a detailed audit check of safety equipment. Hence, after breakfast on the
Thursday we motored 'Red Skies' the 2 miles from the QAB Marina to Mayflower and
were the first boat to have the safety check. The detailed planning and
equipment purchases over the previous 6 months proved worthwhile and
the audit was straightforward and satisfactory.
On Thursday afternoon we were joined by Mike
Swallow, the 5th member of the team, who had come down by train and was to sail
with us across Biscay and leave us at Bayona.
David, Alison, Charlie, Don & Mike on
the pontoon at Mayflower Marina in front of Red Skies
The weather turned for the better and we spent the
rest of our time at Mayflower bathed in warm sunshine - a good omen for the trip
to come. There was much coming and going as other yacht crews prepared their
boats for the impending voyage. Time was spent in getting to know our
fellow participants and the Rally organisers had arranged a couple of social
events as well as a detailed briefing session for skippers. On Friday night
there was a Rally dinner at a local rugby club and on Saturday night there was
a BBQ and a live band at the marina.
Band playing at the Mayflower Marina BBQ
All the participating boats were encouraged to
'dress overall' with their signal flags whenever we weren't sailing and the
hoisting of flags at Mayflower signalled the start of collective activities
which were to continue at all our ports of call until the end of the
Red Skies dressed overall in preparation
for the Rally