18.47S 168.21W 19th September 2011

Mojo 2
Andrew Partington
Tue 20 Sep 2011 00:58
Our snail's pace passage to Niue and Tonga
continues. Our steady 12 knot breeze died late yesterday afternoon so any chance
of making Niue today went with it.
Finally the rain has cleared and we are back into a
consistent south-east trade wind but it is not very strong at just 9-10
knots. Beautiful day but not enough wind to really get us moving.
We are toying with sailing straight past Niue if we
reach the island in the middle of the night. Currently we are 85NM away and at
our current pace will be there tomorrow lunchtime. Initially I had banked on a
11-12 day sail to Tonga but this is now looking to be closer to 14 days and that
is if we skip Niue. Things are looking a little better as far as wind strength
goes for the next few days, hopefully we can make up some time.
Had a big domestic day today including clothes
washing. All clothes done by hand in a bucket and smelling the best they
have in ages.
With so much time on our hands we have been having
banquets most nights. Tonight is stir-fry fish with ginger [cheers
No action with fishing over the past 24 hours. We
have a lure out today but so far all is quiet.
Tonga is around 330NM away and Australia is
now just under 2300NM from our current position.