21.22N 36.51W

Mojo 2
Andrew Partington
Sun 15 May 2011 11:00
Hi all!
What a 24 hours we have had. Very steady sailing with not much happening in terms of having to do much to the boat as we just spent all day running with the wind on our backs, which gave us 130 nautical miles for the 24 hours, which I'm very happy about.
But enough with the sailing......there is a footy match to talk about!! While living on board with 2 Docker supporters hasn't been very hard I thought I would stir the pot this morning and wear very proudly my Eagles gurnsey, this is ok but it may come back to huant me later on in the trip if they lose. So come on THE COAST!!!!!
But I suppose I should tell you about my adventure so far. I meet the boat in Gran Canaria and now enjoying my11th day on board the boat. Mum dont worry I am very well. I actually think Mrs P is trying to fatten me up. The first couple of days were interesting for me with sea sickness but I didn't spew...not even once which I am proud of and then from that day forward its been plain sailing for me. The nights haven been long at times but very enjoyable trying to dodge storm systems and scaring Mrs P with me saying there are pirates on the horizon when we sore some lights but after a while we worked out it was just a container ship.....well I hope it was. But the most enjoyable part of the trip is having a dip in the worlds biggest bath, especially when your doing 7 knots. Going for a swim around the boat is great, the water is so crystal clear and gives you an almighty fright when you first jump in but the its just like swiming at mids, except here I haven't quite been able to reach the bottom yet.
Now the fishing.....when the boat was travelling down the European coast the boat had fish all around and they couldn't catch 1. I told them it was because of haveing those bananas on board. Now since leaving Gran Canaria and removing everything with traces of banna we have caught 2 fish. 1 camacazie flying fish and then maybe the unluckiest fish in the world, which we didn't even notice was taking line, so at a guess we had been dragging this fish for miles and miles. But in the end we won the fight and had a lovely lunch yesterday with great thanks to the fish. 
Well to all home in Aus gday from the middle of the Atlantic and miss you all. To mum and dad I am safe and well and having the time of my life on board, but looking forward to some good Carribean rum and party in a few weeks time!! To my bro and sis keep out of trouble and my wonderful grandparents I miss you and love you lots!!
Hope to speak to you all really soon!!