26.53S 155.42E

Mojo 2
Andrew Partington
Mon 17 Oct 2011 03:42
The good news is that Gerard seems to be getting over his seasickness. Good thing, as he hasn't been able to eat anything for two days now. He has been able to take on water and that is all.
The bad news is that we have had our wind shift to the south but it has brought with it considerable strength.
This morning at 7am we were still sailing on a tight reach in 15 knots of wind. By 10am the wind had picked up to 20+ knots and over the next couple of hours rose to peaks of over 35 knots. Right now we are still seeing 32-33 knots regularly. The wind direction is from the south-east so it is right on our beam and we are just able to sail with the mainsail at the third reef and a tablecloth sized headsail. It is far from comfortable but the boat is handling the conditions fairly well. We keep watching our wind speed and wishing it lower but this hasn't worked for us.
With luck the conditions will ease later this afternoon so that we have an okay overnight sail, on what will be our last night at sea.
It is 2.30pm now and we have 122NM to go to make it to our waypoint and the protection of North Stradbroke Island. It canot come soon enough for either of us.