04.50S 115.06W 30th July 2011
Mojo 2
Andrew Partington
Sun 31 Jul 2011 02:53
Just a short one tonight.
We have sailed 172NM in the 24 hour period to 11am
and the way we are tearing along we may exceed that by tomorrow.
Last night we had wind from the south-east at over
20 knots and gusting to 27 on several occasions and for several hours. This was
fine because we were on a broad reach and not beating into it the way we were
going to Galapagos.
This wind strength was the the peak but we are
still seeing 20 knots plus at times and are consistently above 18 knots. We are
sailing with reefed main and genoa. The genneker did not even get close to a run
It is great to be moving quickly but give me 12
knots and the genneker any day over this. It becomes harder with everything you
do on the boat. It is harder to move about the boat and physically more
The weather is changing constantly from clouds
to clear sky and the wind speed with it.
We have today altered course to head to Tahiti
and unfortunately will not go to the Marquesas at all. Jane would have to fly out of the Marquesas and it would leave
me with noboby to help me sail the boat to Tahiti. This will add
another 400NM to the journey but the way we are travelling maybe not too many
more days. We are loaded with fuel, food and water.
Sailed past some large whales late today and they
put on a bit of a show for us.
1950NM to our waypoint before turning to
Andrew Partington,