03.04S 107.30W 27th july 2011
Mojo 2
Andrew Partington
Thu 28 Jul 2011 00:47
Another magic day today, even better than
yesterday. Back to just shorts now for the first time since Panama.
The warmth is great but we now have very little
After a great afternoons sailing yesterday the wind
disappeared close to dusk. We were registering 0.00 knots wind speed. There was
no other option than to fire up the engines to get us moving again.
We motored all night across an oily smooth sea and
did not start seeing wind again until 10.30am this morning.
Most of the day we have enjoyed around 8 knots of
wind and have been sailing along at 5-6 knots comfortably but the wind has died
again now, close to dark, so we may have to crank the motors yet
Despite our lack of wind we still managed to cover
118NM and at dusk have moved under 2000NM to be "just" 1955NM from the
It is a bit frustrating when you have a destination
and a lack of wind is stopping you getting there. We had this frustration with
300 miles to go to Antigua and it still feels the same!!
Maybe I will be reporting a 180NM+ day tomorrow but
somehow I don't think so.
I have heard from a couple of people I have never
met before since posting my email address on the blog. It is terrific to
know that it is being read [by a few] far and wide.
If anyone has been following the blog and wants to
say hello, or ask me about the trip, or this amazing sailing boat please feel
free to send me an email.
Andrew Partington.