08.38N 079.03W Las Perlas Islands

Mojo 2
Andrew Partington
Tue 5 Jul 2011 00:36
Mojo 2 is finally moving again, Today at around
11am we sailed out from Las Brisas and made the short trip [35NM] to the Las
Perlas islands off the coast of Panama.
Our first day sailing with Jane and Dean aboard
could not have had a better start. With the skyscrapers of Panama City around 10
miles behind us we landed our first fish, a stripey bonito. Within minutes we
had landed, a much larger, yellowfin tuna and finally a good sized mahi-mahi. We
have just cooked them for dinner and they were delicious!! Our fishing fortunes
seem to have changed since we hit the Pacific [and Dean arrived at the
boat]. Dean and Daniel had a bit of fishing contest but I think it ended
up a draw.
We were able to sail for a good distance to the
islands with the wind at around 70 degrees
off our starboard bow and blowing up to 10 knots at times. We arrived in
the islands around 5.30pm and are now anchored in a small bay opposite Isla
Contador. Mojo 2 now sits adjacent to a coconut lined beach and just
along from a small fishing village. There is no wind but already we can hear the
rumbling of thunder off in the distance. I am hoping it rains tonight so I can
test out my new cabin rooftop "Watermaker". I have made a PVC device to catch
water and the MK 1 model looks like it will work a treat.
We were hoping to catch up with Patrick and Megan
and their yacht "Night Cloud" before we left Las Brisas but unfortunately they
had not made it through the canal before we had to leave. We met Patrick and
Megan in Shelter Bay Marina when we were waiting to transit. They are
a terrific couple from the United States who had us over for a pasta meal
before we left. They also introduced us to Hereford corned beef which has added
a bit of "spice to our life" Very sad to have missed them and hope they catch up
to us in the Las Perlas Islands. It never ceases to amaze me at the number of
wonderful people we have met since we left La Rochelle. These guys and our
Aussie friends from Shelter Bay have continued that trend.
Not really sure what tomorrow will bring but
none of us are really that bothered.
Andrew Partington.