FINNROSE 11.30 038:43:64N 055:36:35W WED 03/07/13

Wed 3 Jul 2013 16:20
WNW, which allowed us to sail again, setting all three sails on a broad
reach. A pod of black pilot whales drifted lazily in pairs about four
hundred yards away across our stern around 3 p.m. - sadly they did not turn
around and come nearer the boat, so getting a decent photograph proved
difficult. It was lovely to see their dorsal fins lifting through the
water, and the occasional blow could be heard, even from that distance.
A warm evening developed, and a supper of spaghetti Bolognese was eaten on
deck whilst we watched yet another spectacular sunset. As darkness fell, the wind picked up to a force 4 around 9 p.m., allowing us to increase speed to a steady 8 knots on a slight sea. A cargo ship, the HHL Freemantle on it's way to
Tonsberg (anyone know where that is?) passed on our port side around 11
p.m., twelve miles away. The calm of the day and evening was replaced by a
very overcast and squally night; the mizzen sail was dropped at midnight,
and the genoa furled at 2 a.m. as the wind caused the sea to gradually build
to force 8 (with wind gusts of up to 40 knots) at 5 a.m. We turned downwind
to get some relief from the buffeting, retreating into the saloon with
closed portholes and hatch for the first time on our voyage whilst the
heavens opened onto the decks. The easing of the wind at 7.30 a.m. allowed
us to return to our original course. Blue skies have now returned, and the
wind is now a more sedate force 4 with a moderate sea, outside temperature
is 35 degree. Lunch preparation is in progress for a tired crew on a
relatively calmer Finnrose. 559 nm done, 1140 to go...