FINNROSE 23:00.76N 23:55.27W

Sat 1 Dec 2012 13:02
First of all, correction to yesterday's position. 24 hours ago we were not in position 23:00.24N 21:31.90W, but at 24:00.24N 21:31.90W. So, we haven't gone backwards for a day. Sorry for the error!

Another day gone! 147 miles run in the last 24 hours. Still running downwind with 2 foresails poled out. 596 miles done so far and 2171 miles to go. (I know the arithmetic doesn't work out compared to yesterday's blog; we have done nearly 600 miles - but not necessarily all in the right direction; the distance to go is the distance if we did/could go straight to St. Lucia on a great circle route.)

We spent a big chunk of yesterday trying to get the cruising set alongside a foresail. By the time we had got all the bits of rope in place, sorted out the knots and twists, and were ready to actually fly the thing, the wind rose and we postponed the idea. Still all is now set for quick deployment when the conditions are right.

Last night we crossed south of the Tropic of Cancer. We are now truly in the Tropics. The weather is good but not yet what one would describe as 'tropical'. Nevertheless I guess it's better than back home