Past two days

Mor Toad / Moy Toad
David and Jocelyn Fawcett
Thu 7 Jun 2018 08:25
Having arrived in the marina at Cannaglione on Sunday afternoon and walked into the village (lovely place ) and had a much needed ice cream it was back to the boat to do some boat washing sorting out and starting the laundry
Young crew very useful
Watching the washing machine caused great hilarity as to who’s pants were who’s? No TV or electronic devices for a week but watch a washing machine well!!
We wandered back into town for supper to a recommended local. coloured tables and chairs just below the church. excellent food and a parade going to church with singing
Monday morning saw the family packing up, more laundry and for them another visit into town for a final ‘italian gelato ‘ Their taxi to the airport arrived at 12 and it was sad to see them go its been a good week and much fun.
More washing - excellent drying weather good wind blowing . David and I then went out for lunch and had excellent meal together with a bottle of wine. Certainly helped with after lunch cleaning of the boat and David changing the macerator on the rear heads!!
Tuesday morning saw our friends arrive lunchtime . David had done the shopping and I had a much needed appointment at a local hairdresser in the morning. We all went out for lunch and then left the marina and had a good sail back out to the Maddelenas and Cala Portese ( 4th visit and the beach cafe finally open and swimming area buoyed off). The season getting underway.
We decided to spend another night in the anchorage all in need of ‘chill’ So this morning a swim
followed by breakfast and then we took the dinghy ashore and walked in the opposite direction from our previous visits. This took us out to the end of the island. lots of derelict buildings ? old Tuna factories but also an old fort in ruins and no indication of its history.
We found another beach and cafe where we had lunch before a walk back and return on board. Some people slept whilst others went snorkelling and trying out the paddle board. Very calm day with some rain but this evening so calm and we could see the bottom .
No wind sadly meant lots of biting mosquitos so we couldn’t stay outside too long.
This morning now Thursday still very calm and raining. Swims had breakfast had but blocked sink which David trying to sort before washing up can be done!! The intention is to head back out to the outer islands. we had hoped to get to Bonefacio on Corsica for the night on Friday but wind in the wrong direction so we may end up going to our final destination . Friends leave on Saturday afternoon and we then have 2 days to sort the boat before flying home on Monday for the summer .