Gran Cratere
Mor Toad / Moy Toad
David and Jocelyn Fawcett
Tue 3 Oct 2017 15:15
After about a 20 minute walk through the houses and past some coloured rocks and the the Fangi or mud baths ( open to visit but wasn't on our itinerary) we found the path leading up to the crater along with quite number of other people and in fact we started chatting to a couple from Perth WA who were on a 3 week tour of Sicily. A goodly climb 1300ft the first part over black sand until it became harder and redder rock near the top. A good crater and on one side a smelly smoking sulphurous rim . Quite spectacular and with good views out to all the islands we've visited with Stromboli in the distance. Really good to get out and have good walk, the beer and lunch back in the main port well received along with a swim once back on the boat.
We shall head off in the morning with the aim of getting through the Straits of Messina . Apparently we have to leave by 8am in order to get through the Straits with the tide.
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