Cascais - Lisbon

Mor Toad / Moy Toad
David and Jocelyn Fawcett
Thu 11 Sep 2014 20:34
It's now Thursday 11th September and we've been here in Cascais Marina a couple of days having arrived late Tuesday after 36 hrs of motoring as the wind was on the nose and the N/NW winds never materialised. We were pretty tired and by the time we'd refuelled, found our berth had showers no one was interested in supper so after a G and T an early night .
There are a number of boats here from Norway and several from the UK all heading in the same direction all waiting for the weather to improve.
We woke up yesterday to rain and we had an easy day getting a few jobs done on the boat - useful chandlery here and they also had the chart for Southern Portugal Africa and The Canaries which could be useful! Later in the day we wandered into Cascais which has some interesting pedestrian streets, squares and architecture. A seaside town. The Marina is large and modern but is right beneath The Citadel and close by a lovely blue and white lighthouse.
Joy and Brad however were very adventurous yesterday and apart from exploring Cascais also took bus and train to a hilltop town Sintra which they enjoyed. We had been there before.
We then met up in the evening back in Cascais and went to Dom Pedro a Portugese fish restaurant tucked away behind the main square - small but very friendly and good food.
Today we've all been into Lisbon on the train from here - the train trundles along the Coast. We went in separately . David and I took an open top bus (it had stopped raining by then) A great way to see the city which again has some wonderful architecture . Joy and Brad took the open top tram so they got to see the more hilly old town (we had done this on a previous visit) .
As I write its 9.30pm and we're all back on the boat now exhausted from touristing and feel it's easier at sea!.
To quote Francis Drake "it isn't that life ashore is distasteful to me but life at sea is better"
Not sure about that one but right now he could be right.
So tomorrow the plan is to carry on south to a marina 25 miles south of here so a short hop. Where will the wind be? From lunchtime predicted SW but light. So we shall see.
Joy an