Catch up

Mor Toad / Moy Toad
David and Jocelyn Fawcett
Wed 23 May 2018 09:22
Finally back at the boat he did go in off the back of the boat with his Dad but realised the water pretty chilly !
We do seem to have had a battle with mosquitos the couple of nights they were with us and both Ian and Tom got bitten quite a lot!
We returned back down the coast on Monday this time to Porto Rotunda stopping off and anchoring in a bay for lunch.
Unfortunately the weather had changed to cloudy and rain so we didn’t go ashore. Tom did get a little bored on this leg of the voyage but he played ‘ mixie mixie’ and enjoyed feeding the fish.
We thought we’d try a different marina though virtually next door to Portisco where we’d picked up and dropped off previous crew. We were booked in but on arrival they didn’t seem to know, the maraniera didn’t speak English and it all got a bit chaotic as we were trying to reverse up the channel not really knowing where we were going the maraniera had disappeared into the distance and at the same time a large yacht was coming out of where we thought we were going!! So we went forward back to the entrance whilst they manouvered and they didn’t seem to know where they were going!! All in all pretty stressful but finally we made it into our slot. David is getting pretty good at handling the boat and now we have working bow thruster in both directions it does help. He and Ian installed the new control box Ian had brought out with him before we left the marina Sunday morning. Diagnosis of the problem correct much to everyone’s relief.
After tying up we went for a walk as it’s name implies the marina is circular and surrounded by houses and shops ( many not open yet) but woo hoo the Gelateria was!! So after finally booking us in (the office was at the furthest point in the marina but we and especially Tom needed a walk ) and Ian had got a number for a taxi company we had our much needed ice cream:-)
There was another Oyster yacht in the marina and they came to say hello and said all oyster owners welcome to use the yacht club as there had been a rally there several years ago. So we thought great we’d go there for supper but it was closed Monday night but we found a cafe instead.
Tuesday morning saw Ian andTom leave at 10.30 ( sadly French air traffic control strike meant their journey home took rather longer than it should!) and we went to investigate the supermarket and bought a few things. As it seemed good we have booked to return to Rotundo Sunday night to pick up Alex Dan and the children and to provision before heading out with them for a week.
We got plenty of washing done too before we left after lunch and headed north again and spent last night in Gulfo Pevero along with one elegant yacht and arguably according to google the largest super yacht Dibla - Russian owned.
Helicopter on board!!
Yacht flying Maltese flag
Lovely bay nice beach one end quite a lot of housing on the hillside but pretty unspoilt. We had torrential rain yesterday evening .
This morning sunshine however the wind has picked up as forecast and my swim was quite a choppy one this morning. We shall head off shortly to try and find a calm anchorage for a couple of nights in the Maddelenas before heading back . So more knitting on the chart and this was our knitting on the anchorage overnight!!