Nanny Cay Tortola BVI - Tuesday 28th April
Mor Toad / Moy Toad
David and Jocelyn Fawcett
Fri 1 May 2015 17:05
After our final nights sundowners on Norman Island and our Spaghetti Bolognese we spent the morning snorkelling and playing on the beach on Norman Island before heading to The Indians and then our final destination Nanny Cay.
The Indians are rocks just off Norman Island and again you pick up a mooring and swim to them from the boat. There was quite a chop but David and I went first as too rough for the children to snorkel ( but they had done quite a lot that morning in the calm of the bay on Norman Island) . The minute you get in the water you are In a magical garden of sponges and corals so pretty. It reminded us very much of the dive we had off Pigeon Island on Guadeloupe.
After Alex and Dan had snorkelled we gently sailed ( little wind) to Nanny Cay just savouring the last moments of sailing. We arrived in Nany Cay around 4.00pm in Tuesdsy 28th filled up with diesel and then found our berth on the pontoon - this had been booked quite a while ago.
I'm writing this several days later sat by the pool and still feel very emotional about the end. I think Alex's comment is we feel like a 'snail with no shell'. David and I left the boat when we arrived and moved into the hotel in Nanny Cay. (Nice to have space and sort ourselves but I haven't slept very well obviously need the cocoon of the cabin or the gentle rocking?! ) Alex and co. spent the next two nights on the boat and Oliver rejoined them (he had gone back with Sarah and family on the Sunday for a few nights) . David had agreed to meet the Delivery Skipper from Halcyon with Oliver that evening for a brief meeting. We all had supper at a Burger Bar at the entrance to the Marina and the children had fun running around and the playground there.
Wednesday 29th was spent packing, cleaning the boat and generally vacating our home of 5 months and for David and I 6 months as we had spent another month plus getting the boat to The Canaries last September. A hard days work as now very hot and little breeze actually in the Marina but all sorted.
We have hired a car so yesterday afternoon 30th April after we had finished everything we needed to do on the boat before handing it over and a morning spent by the pool ( very nice pool in the Marina plus beach bar) followed by lunch and a game of mini golf en famille and another swim David drove Alex and co. plus their luggage up to cousin Sarah's house. The delivery skipper and two other crew arrived and took up residence on the boat with Oliver. They spent yesterday settling in and getting to know the boat and scrubbed the decks!
Today 1st May David has taken the skipper to Road Town to victual the boat for the return trip, I am sat here by the pool writing this, Alex is doing the first day of her PADI course ( she is booked in for 4 days over the next two weeks to do this. She decided after she had enjoyed her introductory dive in Eustatius she would like to learn and definitely whilst she is in warm water) and Dan is with cousin Sarah and the children.
The boat should leave in the next couple of days and in many ways it will hopefully feel easier ( being back on land is proving quite a challenge) once they have set sail. David and I are here until 8th May before flying to Antigua for another 4 nights before flying back to the UK on 12th. So we hope to do some exploring of Tortola and maybe go to few islands we didn't get to by boat and maybe a dive. Alex and co are here until 12th May and will certainly make sure they enjoy the last few days of their Adventure and sabbatical.
I shall keep writing the blog until we have finally left The Caribbean but I am hoping that Oliver will carry on with it for Mor Toads sail back across The Atlantic.